

A beacon of light, blazing a torch in the night


Q: How is Firebrand different from Quill & Flame?

A. Firebrand is a Christian market imprint of Quill & Flame that will publish inspirational books in any genre but with the signature romance levels that distinguish Q&F (ie. Heat without the scorch). While Quill & Flame books will remain targeted to a general market audience, Firebrand will focus on stories that strengthen and fire up the Christian faith of our readers! We feel there’s a niche here that we can serve by providing quality stories that still show healthy romance, but with an intentional faith thread. Firebrand stories may be darker, gritter, or have higher overall romantic content than other Christian titles in the current market, but will still adhere to Quill & Flame’s regular guidelines.

Q. How did Firebrand come to be?

A. The idea for Firebrand hatched in the mind of Publisher April J. Skelly as she found herself reading more and more compelling stories of faith that didn’t quite meet the general market guidelines she’d set for Quill & Flame. Over time, she felt God leading her to open an imprint that would give a voice to stories of any genre with faith-filled themes. “Let your light so shine before men.” Mathew 5:16 (KJV)  Following Jesus is never boring, and she’s watching with keen interest to see where God takes this newest adventure.

Q: When and where will Firebrand accept submissions?

A. During any regular open submissions or micro-submissions windows for Q&F, Firebrand will also be open to agented or unagented queries. As with Q&F, agented queries are accepted at any time. And, wherever Quill & Flame is present at conferences, either virtual or in-person (such as Realm Makers) our team will accept submissions for both general market titles and our Firebrand imprint. We will look at any genre, all the way from speculative to contemporary, and our submission requirements are detailed on our website.