

If you’ve got a YA or NA (your protagonists are 13-18 or 18-early twenties respectively) story that has a cracking plot, swoony romance, and characters you’d literally die for, we want to read it! We want originality. Show us something we haven’t seen. Or show us something that’s been done a thousand times in a way that will knock our socks off!


You can find us at Realm Makers this summer in St Louis from July 18-20, 2024. Submissions are currently closed, but please keep an eye here and on our social media for when our next submission window opens!

UPDATE: Firebrand submissions will open for unagented submissions the last week of July to the first week of August, 2024. For both Q&F and Firebrand, the next open submissions window is planned for January 2025. Find out more about Firebrand imprint details by clicking here.

If you’re an author seeking publication for Quill & Flame, please send your email to and use this format in your subject line: QUERY, Title, Your Name. Please include your query and the first three chapters of your story in the body of the email, and a brief synopsis. No attachments please.

***Firebrand submissions must have FIREBRAND in the subject line of the email, in this format: FIREBRAND, QUERY, Title, Your Name. Other details same as above.***


Agented submissions are welcome at all times. If you are an agent seeking publication for your client, please use the format: AGENT QUERY, Title, Agent Name for Author Name. Please email us at If you are submitting to Firebrand, please indicate that in the subject line. Please note that we strive to respond to every query we receive, but responses may take some time. If you have not heard from us within eight weeks, please send us a gentle nudge.