Despite dabbling in writing over the years, Amber’s fear of dialogue and proper tenses held her back from pursuing it more seriously. Like many others, the Great Plague gave her motivation to dust off some writing dreams, and Amber sat down to write a story which had been in her head since her teen years. It was intended to be merely something fun to let her kids read someday, but gradually evolved into an potentially award-winning fantasy that will be published when she can finish her edits. Amber feels better about her dialogue, and leaves the tenses for editors to fix. She also has an unhealthy love of adverbs.

When not writing, Amber homeschools her three wildlings, and pretends to do housework. You can also find her lurking about on places such as the Rabbit Room, Edit World, or any site speculating on the final episode of Lost. Visit her website and sign-up for her newsletter here.